Author have to pay Rs. 50/- as Article Processing Charge if article is accepted for publication New     July Issue 2024 (Volume 02 | Issue 07) published New    Inviting articles for September Issue 2024. Last date to submit articles is 25.08.2024 New    Submit articles with plagiarism below 20 per cent through online submission portal     Author(s) can track the status of submitted article(s) at article submission portal

Author have to pay Rs. 50/- as Article Processing Charge if article is accepted for publication 

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உழுதுண்டு வாழ்வாரே வாழ்வார்மற் றெல்லாம்
தொழுதுண்டு பின்செல் பவர்.

Who ploughing eat their food, they truly live:
The rest to others bend subservient, eating what they give

- திருவள்ளுவர் (குறள் எண் : 1033)

Greetings from the Experts !!!