Publishing/Plagiarism Policy

👉 The articles submitted for publication that undergo an initial review by the editor to ensure alignment with editorial policies and a minimum quality standard. 

👉 If the article meets these requirements, it is subjected to a plagiarism check using Turnitin software.

👉 Articles with a similarity index below 20 per cent are further evaluated by subject experts for content quality and relevance before being processed for publication.

👉 The articles published in each issue of GreenariA e-magazine are authored by various contributors and reflect their personal views. 

👉 GreenariA acts solely as a platform to publish and disseminate these articles online. 

👉 Responsibility for any inaccuracies or errors in the articles lies entirely with the respective authors. 

👉 Additionally, if plagiarized content is identified within a published article, the authors bear full responsibility for the infringement.