GreenariA – Volume 03 | 2025

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Revolutionizing Pest Monitoring and Management in Entomology

Kishore S M and Arpitha S B

Page No. 01-04 |  Download PDF
Application of Block Chain Technology in Sericulture

Kiruthika C, Susikaran S, Karthick Mani Bharathi B and Bhuvana S

Page No. 05-08 |  Download PDF
Biochemical Pathways and Ripening Dynamics: Exploring Fruit Maturation Processes 

Sharvesh S, Sharmitha K, Dharanidharan S and Sharmila B

Page No. 09-11 |  Download PDF
Cotton Stalk Shredder: A Smart Step Towards Sustainable Agriculture

Adarsh D, Naresh D and Santhosh G

Page No. 12-14 |  Download PDF
Ecological Impacts of Fertilizer Management Practices

Sivanesan M, Asha Selvi G and Sneka K

Page No. 15-16 |  Download PDF
Infrared Thermal Imaging in Agriculture

Sivanesan M, Asha Selvi G and Sneka K

Page No. 17-18 |  Download PDF
Organic Farming: Advancing Water Use Efficiency

Jebisha R and Sruthi S

Page No. 19-21 |  Download PDF
Phytoremediation of Problematic soils through Tree and plant species

Basith A 

Page No. 22-25 |  Download PDF
Harnessing the Power of Polyploidy in Vegetable Breeding: A New Frontier for Crop Improvement

Pratibha Dogra and Balbir Singh Dogra

Page No. 26-29 |  Download PDF
Fungi to The Rescue: The Role of Dark Septate Endophytes (DSES) in Plant Adaptation to Climate Change

Lalitkumar L. Maurya, Khushal B. Muradi, Suvrajit Patra, Yogesh W. Wayal, Balaji K. Choudhari and Asha K. Raj

Page No. 30-34 |  Download PDF
Unseen Threats Beneath Our Feet: Different problematic soils in India – An overview 

Muhilan G, Bagavathi Ammal U, Venkatesan V G, Kalaiselvi A, Mummadi Thrivikram Reddy, Sruthi S, Abirami A, Ajithkumar A, Jebisha R and Naveen N 

Page No. 35-36 |  Download PDF

Usage of Protective Clothing for Spraying Chemicals in Agriculture 

Mohit kumar, Ankita Sharma, Garima Chauhan, Yashika and Sanjana

Page No. 37-39 |  Download PDF
Revolutionizing Agriculture Through AI 

Vergil Veronica and Pramod Kumar K

Page No. 40-42 |  Download PDF